Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The Minnesota twins are in a perfect spot to win a world series in the inaugural season at target field. They have already clinched the central division and with a current record of 92 wins and 60 losses the post season is looking very optimistic for the team. I interviewed some Eastview students who are fans of the team to see what they thought the twins chances are in the post season.
-How far do you think the twins will go into the post season?
Jake- I think it depends on what they Yankees do, if the Yankees do well then I think the twins will not make it very far.

The twins biggest competition in the post season will most likely be the new York Yankees they have to get by them to get to the world series and the Yankees have showed in the past that they are a stronger team then the twins in the post season. I asked Scottie what he thought the twins biggest strength was in the post season…

Scottie- I think the biggest strength is our defense and our depth is better than any other team.

The team has shown great fielding this year with a .988 fielding percentage which is second in the American league to the Yankees. Who is your favorite player on the team and why?

Joe- My favorite player would be Jim Thome because he's a consistent power hitter and gets the fans in the game.

The twins have been through a great season already but I'm sure everyone would like to see them go all the way and win the world series.itter

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my topic

How far will the twins go into the post season.

Interview questions.
Jake Hannan
-How far do you think the twins will go into the post season?
I think it depends on what they yankees do, if the yankees do well then I think the twins will not make it very far.
-What do you think is the teams biggest strength?
I think the biggest strength is our defense and our depth is better than any other team.
-Will you be attending any of the post season games?
I might, it depends on if i can get tickets or not, but I would love to.

Scottie Sikich
-What player do you think will have the biggest positive impact on the team in the post season?
Carl Pavano because he's a clutch pitcher and he has a lot of experience.
-What do you think will be the teams biggest weakness in the post season?
The starting pitching because they have been struggling lately.
-Do you think the weather will be a factor when they play at target field?
Yes because  it's getting colder everyday and they are used to playing in the dome.

Joe Craft-Who is your favorite player on the team? why?
My favorite player would be Jim Thome because he's a consistent power hitter and gets the fans in the game.
-Any predictions on who will be in the world series?
I think it gonna be the twins verse the yankees but the twins are gonna pull it off.
-Will you be doing anything special for the games other than watch them on tv?
I'll probably either go to buffalo wild wings or have some people over at my house to watch the games.

Monday, September 20, 2010

writing a story notes

1. Find a Topic.
What is your story about?
Who is your audience?
Why is this story important to your audience?

2. Find an Angle.
More specifically, what is important about your topic?
What should the reader learn?

3. Collect Information.
Who are three experts for this story?
Do you need opposing points of view?
What interview questions should I ask?
What other research must be done to complete the story?

4. Gather Interviews.
Ask open-ended questions.
Get good sound bytes. Piece of audio that can stand on it's own
Have person restate the question in the interview.

5. Organize your Sound bytes.
Which quotes should be used?
How can I organize the quotes to tell a story?

6. Write Transitions in your story.
Use words to tie the interviews together.
What other information can I add to the story?
Can the story stand on its own?

7. Write Ins and Outs.
What should the anchors say to introduce my story or bring it to a close? No Scoop, Went to find out,
How should the story begin and end?
What should I say in my stand-up? No 1st Person: I went…
Use attention getter at the introduction but avoid rhetorical questions.

8. Collect B-roll to add to your story.
How can video enhance my story?
Make a list of items you would like photographed.
How should I edit the audio and video together to enhance my story?
Should other enhancements like music, graphics, effects be used?

Friday, September 17, 2010

News log

Channel 9, Fox news

9:00 p.m.- 9:05 p.m.
Pipeline explosion in California. And how safe our pipes are in Minnesota.
Denny Heckers partner.
Someone gets killed off craigslist.
Election news.
Woman released from iraqi prison.
Tom Petters employees give back stolen money?
Bomb threat at the eiffel tower.
Colorado fires.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Notes on Broadcast Journalism Law/Ethics

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment? Speech

2. What is the Tinker Standard?
Student speech cannot be censored as long as it does not "materially disrupt class work or involve substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others."

3. What is the Fraser Standard?
Because school officals have an "interest in teaching students the boundaries of socially appropraite behavior," they can censor student speech that is vulgar or indecent, even if it does not cause a "material or substantial disruption."

4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?
Censorship of school-sponsored student expression is permissible when school officals can show that it is "reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns."

5. What is the Frederick Standard?
January 2002, olympic torch travels through town. principal morse cancels school. senior frederick unveils banner on the sidewalk across street which reads "bong hits 4 jesus". suspended for 10 days.

6. What is the definition of...
Libel- A false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person
Slander- words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another.

Monday, September 13, 2010

News notes

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.
-Broadcast journalism is delivering of current events that are news worthy through technology.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.
-Human interest

1. Signifigance: How much an event impacts people.
2. Unusualness: Something that people don't expect.
3. Timeliness: People want to know whats going on at the time.
4. Prominence: People care about prominent people (celebrities).
5. Proximity: We care about the news thats close to us.
6. Human interest: Feel good stories that get attention.

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
Broadcast journalism can be updated quickly.
2. You can choose what you want to read with print journalism.
3. Print journalism goes into deeper detail.

4. Broadcast journalism can be more affective because of video and audio

How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?

The internet is becoming a lot bigger and more popular so people can get they news they want to see faster.