The house was made of... wobbly old wood that looked 100 years old as we came upon this house we knew something was weird about it. it was really old fashion and there was a wagon in front of the house. as we walked closer to the house the only light we had was the twinkle of the stars. we got to the house and looked in the window but couldn't see much so we decided to go to the back, as we got to the side of the house i saw a tombstone and went up to read it. I had to squint because it was so dark out but it read "r.i.p gabby" this kind of freaked me out but we continued to go around the house. as we got to the back of the house we noticed that there was a broken window in the back so we crawled through it. when we got in the house it was very dark and scary. we kept hearing noises and getting scared but we kept going. we searched the whole house it had obviously been sitting empty for a long time. so we unlocked the front door and walked out talking about how cool that just was.